To install SWAD, you must download the following programs
and follow the steps in the installation procedure.
Main core (swad-core )
Programmed by Antonio Cañas Vargas.
The swad-core source code
is available in
You can download it under the terms of
GNU AGPLv3 license.
Photo processing module (fotomaton )
Programmed by Daniel Jesús Calandria Hernández.
The source code of fotomaton module,
responsible for processing the photographs sent by users,
is available in GitHub forge:
You can download it under the terms of
GNU GPLv3 license.
Photographs averaging modules (foto_mediana and foto_promedio )
Programmed by Daniel Jesús Calandria Hernández.
The source code of programs foto_mediana and foto_promedio ,
which compute respectively the median and average (pixel by pixel) of several photographs,
is available in GitHub forge:
You can download it under the terms of
GNU GPLv3 license.
Chat server (swad-ircd )
Programmed by Daniel Jesús Calandria Hernández.
The source code of chat server swad-ircd
is available in GitHub forge:
You can download it under the terms of
GNU GPLv3 license.
Chat client (swad_chat )
Programmed by Daniel Jesús Calandria Hernández.
Chat client is included in swad main core.
It consists in two files, also available here:
Source code of chat client has yet to be released.
Application for Android devices (SWADroid)
Information about SWADroid.