social workspace at a distance

Download source code

CC BY-SA Antonio Cañas Vargas, 1999-2023
You're frozen
When your heart's not open
Frozen, Madonna

To install SWAD, you must download the following programs and follow the steps in the installation procedure.

Main core (swad-core)

Programmed by Antonio Cañas Vargas.

The swad-core source code is available in https://github.com/acanas/swad-core. You can download it under the terms of GNU AGPLv3 license.

Photo processing module (fotomaton)

Programmed by Daniel Jesús Calandria Hernández.

The source code of fotomaton module, responsible for processing the photographs sent by users, is available in GitHub forge: https://github.com/dcalandria/swad-fotomaton. You can download it under the terms of GNU GPLv3 license.

Photographs averaging modules (foto_mediana and foto_promedio)

Programmed by Daniel Jesús Calandria Hernández.

The source code of programs foto_mediana and foto_promedio, which compute respectively the median and average (pixel by pixel) of several photographs, is available in GitHub forge: https://github.com/dcalandria/foto_promedio. You can download it under the terms of GNU GPLv3 license.

Chat server (swad-ircd)

Programmed by Daniel Jesús Calandria Hernández.

The source code of chat server swad-ircd is available in GitHub forge: https://github.com/dcalandria/swad-ircd. You can download it under the terms of GNU GPLv3 license.

Chat client (swad_chat)

Programmed by Daniel Jesús Calandria Hernández.

Chat client is included in swad main core. It consists in two files, also available here:

Source code of chat client has yet to be released.

Application for Android devices (SWADroid)

Information about SWADroid.